In injection molding, sometimes the mold will bounce back about 20mm after it is opened to the end. Here, Jinan injection molding factory will talk about the rebound of injection mold?
1. The setting of mold opening stroke is unreasonable, the buffer speed pressure is too large, and the position is too small.
2. This phenomenon also occurs when there is air in the mold opening cylinder.
3. Crawl slowly for 20mm during ejection. If so, check the clamping valve.
4. Check the center position of the reversing valve and the sealing parts of the oil cylinder first And the slope of pressure
5. Adjust the opening and closing by countersunk screws. The small Confucius (x, y) in the opening and closing die reversing valve can be relieved
6. It is also possible that the air filter element of the oil tank is blocked and the exhaust is not smooth!

7. Internal leakage of unlocking die cylinder Check the internal leakage of the piston sealing ring and the thread between the piston and the piston rod.